The Value of an Organic Candid Photo Session Over a Posed One

I cannot tell you how many clients I have come to me asking for a perfectly posed photo shoot. And while I hold no judgment over a staged photo session, I am here to tell you that a natural, organic, candid session is so much more rewarding. It can yield much better results. 

The Pros of Having a Posed Shoot

Of course, I can’t blame any of my clients for asking for or even expecting a posed shoot. It’s the standard photo shoot we’re all used to, right? You arrive at a studio in your Sunday best. Maybe you’ve chosen a pretty location outside near a bridge or by some wildflowers. And the photographer will angle you in the right light, ensuring she catches your best features. 

She’ll position you from angles that highlight your connection to the family members in your shoot with you. It will look picture perfect, and you can hang it on your wall for years to come. 

The Reality of a Posed Shoot

The problem, of course, is that with posed shoots, most people in those sessions don’t feel relaxed and comfortable. Often, what you’ll remember most about the session is how your husband was cranky, your baby was crying, and your older kids ran rampant, knocking down cameras and pulling down curtains. 

Yes. The image I’ve just described is very real in staged photo shoots. 

And look, there’s nothing wrong with this kind of chaos. I’ve seen them in many types of sessions. Sometimes, you just want to show up, get the shot, and be done. 

However, it can be so much more beautiful, so much more relaxing, so much more authentic than all that. 

The Pros of a Candid Photo Shoot

There’s not too much difference between a posed shoot and a candid shoot. We can still meet in my studio. You can still wear your Sunday best. I can still pose you and position you. 

Or we can meet in a field of wildflowers, on the top of a mountain, or on a rugged beach. 

The distinction lies in the feeling. In the moments in between the poses and the perfection. 

In a candid photo shoot, rather than give you exact instructions and angles, I give you suggestions. I ask you to be yourselves, to remember how much you love each other, to think about what you adore about each other. 

I’ll ask you to walk away from me, to smile at each other, to look into each other’s eyes. 

There’s more free-flowing natural movement with these organic shots, which is why I love meeting you at your home, in your kitchen or your garden. 

I can capture you in your natural habitat, cooking, baking, changing diapers, wrestling on the floor, playing board games, or doing whatever it is you normally do. 

These sessions are so much more fun for everyone in the family, and 9 times out of 10 I can even get your husband to let loose a little and give a genuine smile. 

Your kids are less likely to throw fits (though it definitely still happens, and that’s okay!), and you are much more likely to feel warm and cozy about the session. 

The Results of an Organic Photo Shoot 

Look, when you get your photos back after the session, you will probably love your photo no matter what kind of shoot you had. 

But when you get your photos back after an organic shoot, you’ll remember exactly how it all felt. You didn’t just take pictures that day. You made core memories. 

That’s what I’m good at, my strength as a photographer. I bring out the best in my subjects, and I help you create precious moments that come naturally to you in life. At some point, you’ll forget entirely that you’re on a photo shoot!

I’m the catalyst for a great experience, and then I capture the experience and give it back to you in the form of an image. 

I can do it in either kind of session — posed or organic — but I think every single one of my clients would choose organic if they really knew what they were choosing. 

Contact Me Today!

If you’re ready for your next photo session, contact me today. 

I’ve got mini sessions coming up in April on the 13th. 

These are great opportunities to have a small, candid photo shoot in time for Mother’s Day or just to make new memories. For $325 you’ll get a 30 minute fun, playful session that combines the traditional shots with some candids. 

On April 27th, I’ll have pop-up Headshot/Business mini sessions at a local winery. I’ll capture your professional side in a 15 minute session for $135, which will give you full access to an online gallery of images with full printing rights. 
Let me know if you’re interested. I look forward to hearing from you. 

Should You Get Headshots?

Have you been considering headshots? 

It’s the season!

I’ve noticed in the last several years of photography that once these first couple of sleepy months of the year pass, professionals start gearing up for branding, marketing, and selling their products and services.

This preparation often means a fresh set of headshots!

Should you get headshots? 

If you have a website, a social media platform, or just a LinkedIn profile, yes. Yes you should. 

Headshots will make your site look more professional and your profile on various platforms more legitimate. 

I can book quick headshots sessions here in my studio, or I can come to your office and capture you there. We can even do a mini branding session, where I catch you in the act of your profession, whatever that may be. 

And here’s a teaser: I’ve got an event coming up at a local winery, where I’ll be offering headshots to participants. 

So make sure you’re subscribed to the site and you’re following me on my socials, so you don’t miss out!

If you’re ready to book your headshots, let’s collaborate and work on what might be right for you.  

How to Choose a Location for Your Photography Shoot

You hear about it in real estate all the time: location, location, location. But it matters in photography too! And it’s a relatively new idea. Just a few decades ago, people would go to Sears or some other photography studio in the mall. The photographer would pull down a series of backgrounds for you to choose from, and you and your family would sit in front of it and pose for several photos. 

Yep. Seriously. 

Go into any home with people over the age of 50, and you’re likely to find these photos hanging on the walls in places of honor. And look, they were beautiful photos. 

But we’re capable of so much more now!

Why Location Matters

Why does it matter? Why shouldn’t you just stop in at Sears for a photo shoot in your Sunday best? 

Because the location of your photo shoot reflects parts of your personality, as an individual or as a family. The location can become a background character in your story. 

It’s more than just what you wear, how you pose, and how you gaze longingly into each other’s eyes. Though those elements matter too! 

It’s where you are and why. 

These are the things you’ll remember. 

I’ve taken photos of people in their kitchens and yards, walking by the creek that runs behind their house, in their gardens, and at many locations around the Rogue Valley. 

And in each one I can tell you without a doubt that the location meant something to the people I was capturing.

So years from now, when you’ve got those photos hanging on your wall, you’ll remember the feeling of being in that place at that time with those people. 

How do you choose a location? 

Locations that Mean Something to You

I always like to start with a location that means something to you. If you’re a mom and you spend most of your time in the kitchen, around a table doing schoolwork with kids, in your office, or in your garden, I’d like to capture you there. 

Some of my favorite photos are lifestyle photos, candid shots of you living the life you normally live. 

You’ll look back on these photos not as a day you took pictures with a photographer but as memories of those specific times in those specific places. 

You’ll be able to more clearly recall those fights over homework, the seasons when your garden came in beautifully, and the cookies you made with your kids. 

Likewise, if you’re a hiker, a bicyclist, a hairstylist, a writer, or any other profession or hobby that means something to you, you might want me to shoot you on location where you do your best work or live your best life. 

I’ll catch you on the trail, in your garage working on your bike, in the cafe with your laptop open, or in your salon. 

The point is, choosing a location that means something to you should be your first option. 

But, if you don’t have a spot like that, we’ve still got tons to work with. 

Locations with Great Light

I’m sure you’ve probably already heard that lighting is critical to great photography. And the more natural light I can catch, the better.

I’ve got a list of locations that get great light, and a list of places with terrible lighting I know to avoid. 

A big factor in choosing a place with great lighting is also the time of day. 

Here in the Rogue Valley, we’re surrounded by some pretty stunning mountains that can either block the sun or let it in, and which mountains at which time of day matters. 

For example, if we’re out near Mount McLoughlin or Roxy Ann Peak, the morning sun will come up later. However, if we’re out near Grants Pass with the mountains in the west, the sun will appear to go down earlier. 

So, if we’re hoping to catch the bright, early sunlight here in the valley, we’re better off waiting until later in the day. And if we want to capture you in the soft hues of pink and purple that can fill the sky at sunset, we want to plan around not just the sunset, but the season and the time of day. 

Locations for the Seasons

Speaking of seasons, they play a huge factor in your location decision. Do you want winter photos? Spring? Summer? Or fall? 

The valley changes its face significantly four times a year, unlike many other spots on the west coast and particularly in the pacific northwest. 

If you want a great winter location, consider Mt. Ashland or up near Prospect, where the snow gets heavy and the atmosphere screams wonderland. 

If you’re hoping for a summer spot, choose one of your secret swimming holes, where your family can splash and play. 
You get the idea. 

Also, I have a lovely studio perfect for photo sessions during the winter or other inclement weather. And we can often find simple indoor locations around the valley to use as well. 

Locations with Great Views

And of course, from Ashland to Grants Pass and up to Prospect, we’ve got some beautiful views in this valley, so you can always choose from among one of those. 

If you have a favorite that is personal to you, that should be your spot. 

If you are just looking for some ideas, I’ve got endless lists of possibilities we can discuss for lighting, the seasons, and your specific needs. 

Contact Me for Your On Location Shoot Today

If you’re ready to book your on location shoot, fill out my contact form and let’s get started. 

Of course, I’ve got some parameters we’ll need to stick to. I operate out of a pretty central location to the valley, so I can travel pretty much anywhere here within 30 miles, but anywhere super far out on dusty dirt roads that lead to nowhere or farther than 30 miles away from my office will need to be discussed further. 

Indeed, I have traveled all over Oregon, some of my favorite spots to shoot are along the Oregon coast; do note this type of travel comes with an extra fee.  

Fortunately, we live in such a beautiful location, we are sure to find the right spot for you. 

And hey, maybe it’s your own backyard!

Contact me today.